Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why do you read a blog?

So as I continue my efforts to try and actually write, I found myself thinking about my blogroll. I tend to go through phases of things that I read. I'll add a bunch of blogs thinking that I'm going to keep up on it, but then when I go to my newsfeed I see that I have 100 new articles to sift through, and I don't actually end up keeping up on them.

So I found myself thinking...what makes a blog worth reading? Is it entertainment? Is it content that I can apply to something I'm currently working on?

For me it's mainly the fact that I like to laugh while I'm reading. Obviously being in marketing and social media and all of that I do have some blogs I keep up on that keep me up to date on the latest and greatest, but even those I only read every so often.

So. What makes YOU read a blog? Or save it to an RSS Feed so you can always stay updated on it?

1 comment:

  1. I usually save blogs to my RSS feed to enter a contest. They are usually crafty blogs which dont interest me much so I eventually unsubscribe. The blogs I do like to read and follow are personal friends, families who have a kid fighting a disease/illness and a few friends on Twitter who just blog topics that interest me
